Our Patronal Feast: Beginning Monday, January 27th, we will celebrate our Solemn Eucharistic Vigil and, at 7PM on Tuesday, January 28th, our Solemn Mass for our Patronal Feast, with a reception to follow. (Click here for the Vigil signup.)
End-of-Year Statements: Statements will be mailed by the end of the month.
Pacem Dinner: St. Thomas will provide a meal for the PACEM homeless shelter at The Church of The Incarnation on January 21st. See the bulletin for contact information.
Men's Ministry: In addition to weekly meetings, the Hounds of the Lord Men's Ministry will host a half-day retreat at St. Thomas on Saturday, January 25th from 9AM to noon. See the bulletin for details.
Candlemas: Sunday, February 2nd, will be our annual celebration of Candlemas, with solemn offertory of candles at 7PM Mass. Our Mass schedule that day will be: 4:30PM (Vigil), 7:30AM, 9AM, 11:30AM, 5:15PM (simple), & 7PM Mass & Solemn Offertory. There will be no 9PM Mass.
St. Anselm Institute: See the bulletin for a list of forthcoming free events.
UVA Catholic Studies Initiative Public Lecture: The afternoon of Friday, January 31st, come and hear John McGreevy, of Notre Dame, for a public lecture entitled: “Catholicism Represented: Democracy, Religion, & Global History, 1789–2025”. See full details in the flyer below.